Line - Draws a diagonal line. (This may not seem like a unique feature but did you know that most Delphi reporting tools cannot create a diagonal line visually.)
HLine - Draws a horizontal line.
VLine - Draws a vertical line.
Rectangle - Draws a rectangle.
Square - Draws a square.
Ellipse - Draws an ellipse.
PostNetBarCode - Prints a US PostNet bar code.
I2of5BarCode - Prints Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes.
Code39BarCode - Prints standard and extended Code 39 barcodes.
Code128BarCode - Prints A, B and C Code 128 barcodes.
UPCBarCode - Prints UPC-12 barcodes.
EANBarCode - Prints EAN-13 barcodes.
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